i wish you good luck in your job search this fall, make your own luck, and develop it the way you want to train for a marathon.
If this sounds like a lot of hard work and dedication, it certainly is.
"They have to prepare mentally and physically prepared," said Susanne Goldstein, author of "Take a brush:. How to be the artistic director of her own career" His career has gone from filmmaker to your web designer consultant ongoing efforts as a strategy business and career coach "to help people and businesses to survive and prosper."
Its central message seems simple, almost magical: Bring a bucket and a brush of the imagination, so when you see an opportunity, you paint a door.
"Create something lucky to happen," he says.
What does this year, as a student, when he tried to enter the theaters of the West End of London - and not know anyone who could help them reach the decision makers. In "Take a brush," she says she spent two weeks of waiting in the lobby of the theater, every day, fetching tea for receptionists and be patient and persistent. He read biographies of actors and crew show program and made it clear he wanted to work there.
Finally, he was able to talk to someone, and was hired as assistant director of production. He was "painted on the door" or created the opportunity for luck to happen.
When successful people say that they were lucky, Goldstein says, the reality is far behind that happiness. "It 'just a reward for all the hard work," he says, adding that he does not believe in luck, with the exception of playing the lottery. He believes in jumping, jogging and miles as a first step towards a lot of preparation for your career as a marathon.
Instead of relying on luck, can-do attitude and be opportunistic and take advantage of the opportunity to act with courage to stand up, said Steve Tobak message Bnet write characteristics of successful people.
Here are some suggestions of Goldstein to make your own luck:
Be sympathetic. "If you think you are wonderful, which will invest in you," he says. Even if you can take that will introduce you to someone else who can.
Resolve their grief. Goldstein called "being of aspirin" or the solution to the human resources director or pain. "It's all about them and their needs," he said.
Be ready. "Prepare to 10 times smarter than anyone else," he writes, "Carry Brush". I do not know how to answer difficult questions. Know the key decision makers in the background so that when you call on Friday afternoon to see if you are interested in temp work, they already know what they are working and how they see the success.
Red 5 a. This technique involves asking a single person who would like to suggest five people in their field who will meet for five minutes. Then ask each other five. In the interview with each of them, you know you need a job and learn from the person. Soon, someone knows someone who hires - and be your lucky day.
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