Tomorrow’s Earth Day and hopefully you’re going to spend some time planting a tree or hugging one. As we’ve seen over the last few years, people are embracing a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Plastic water bottles have given way to reusable metal ones. Plastic bags are less common at grocery stores and more people are bringing their own canvas ones. Fluorescent light bulbs are gaining attention.
Good news: Businesses are catching up!
In fact, one-in-ten employers say they have added “green jobs,” otherwise known as environmentally-focused positions, in the last 12 months, according to a new national survey of more than 2,500 hiring managers by CareerBuilder. The survey was conducted between February 20 and March 11, 2009.
Not only are companies showing their commitment to the earth by creating new environmentally friendly positions, but also through “green” programs that get current employees involved. Seventy percent of companies say they have added programs to be more environmentally conscious in the last year. The most popular “green” programs include:
- Recycling (50 percent)
- Using less paper (45 percent)
- Controlling lighting (44 percent)
- Powering down computers at the end of the day (30 percent)
- Purchasing office supplies made from recycled materials (27 percent)
“Green jobs have increased in popularity over the last few years as companies take continued action to become more environmentally conscious and reduce their carbon footprints,” said Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources for CareerBuilder. “The economic stimulus plan is expected to spur an increase in the number of green jobs by creating investments in alternative energies. There are a variety of positions that fall under the green category that could present great new career opportunities for job seekers.”
The following are examples of green job opportunities:
- Hydrologist: The median annual income is $64,604.
- Environmental Engineer: The median annual income is $63,673.
- Pollution Control Technician: The median annual income is $47,403.
- Biologist: The median annual income is $53,665.
- Science Teacher: The median annual income of kindergarten, elementary, middle and secondary school teachers ranges from $41,400 to $46,991.
- Fund-raising Director: The median annual income is $79,762.
- Urban Planner: The median annual income is $55,365.
- Economist: The median annual income is $82,628.
- Forester: The median annual income is $48,110.
- Environmental Attorney: The median annual income for attorneys specializing in construction, real estate and land use is $90,146.
- Community Affairs Manager: The median annual income is $57,359.
- Environmental Health and Safety Technician: The median annual income is $47,403.
- Landscape Architect: The median annual income is $53,241.
- Waste Disposal Manager: The median annual income is $31,572.
- Environmental Chemist: The median annual income is $48,850.
Kermit photo courtesy of Looking Glass (via Flickr)
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