By Sean WeinbergBy Come Recommended
Believe it or not, but the entire team at RezScoreloves resumes. We love their usefulness, their flexible nature, and the fact a resume gets you hired. (Who doesn't love that?).
Since we're all about resumes and we're just a smidge nerdy, we've naturally come up with our very own set of resume hacks that are handy to just about anyone who has submitted a resume online.
Why would I hack my resume?
A person doesn't initially review your resume when you submit it to a company. (Eyes on you, big, scary companies!) Chances are, some type of HR software, affectionately known as an "applicant tracking system," reviews it. This system is usually what sorts large quantities of applications into the initial "yes" and "no" categories. While they are designed to prioritize the most qualified applicants, the system is still flawed. Here are four ways you can help your resume into the "yes" pile:
1. Link it up.
Any online resume should take advantage of Web-tastic tools like hyperlinks. Using hyperlinks allows you to cheat the one-page rule by giving employers access to even more content than what meets the eye. Use bit.ly to create an embedded link so it's parsable for software.
2. Count on it.
Just like our favorite vampire, we love using numbers in our resumes. Numbers give an undisputedaccount of a certain accomplishment and are attractive to HR software. Put a number in your first bullet point under any position you held. Phrases such as "saved $1 million" and "closed 13 new accounts" are golden.
3. Work the search terms.
Out of work? Get your resume to the top of the stack by including "in work" search terms. It's not lying, fibbing, or even fudging if you include phrases such as "analyzed current events" or "presented to management," but it will get on the right side of any HR software.
4. De-routine.
When people ask you about notable points in your job, you probably neglect to mention the more routine parts of your position. Just because you do it every day doesn't mean that it's not notable to other people. A little self-aggrandizement can go a long way.
Ridiculously Clever Resumes
What do you think? What other resume hacks can you think of? How helpful do you find resume hacks? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Sean Weinberg is the COO and co-founder of RezScore, a free Web application that reads, analyzes, and grades resumes -- instantly. Also the founder of Freedom Resumes, Weinberg has dedicated his career to helping job seekers write the best possible resumes. You can connect with Sean and the RezScore team on Facebook and Twitter.
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