Actually, I had simplest of intentions. When you send a link to the classic design porridge "10 words you have to stop writing bad" as a reminder to job seekers everywhere a lot is two words, I opened a vortex generally poorly or incorrectly used words written that entrepreneurs go crazy when they see a resume, cover letters, correspondence and updates, including social media. But not only employers who have altered these common mistakes - job seekers were also disappointed by their peers. When I checked our fans on Facebook and Twitter and was given the onslaught of other words they found was on the list of common criminals. Twitter user @ XuDannyO added that sees people who do not know the difference between "ensure" and "secure". His example is the, "" I can assure customer satisfaction. "Really? Has taken an insurance policy on that?"

ther unforgivable mistakes, according to Facebook's comments, including:
And I do not know
Together and the hole
Smelt and smelt
And leaned back against the loan and
The shape and
Everything and everything in
Surely vs. defiantly (people do not understand, these are two different words with two different meanings)
And part
To also two
Your and you're
Teresa Z. added: "The problem is that people rely on spell check, too often, and do not realize that if the word is spelled correctly but used in a wrong context, spell check will not always pick it up, they must use the "eyeball". . method "She's right - you should reread your work, especially if you send a resume and cover letter in the hope of competing for a job. One of the most common typo seen by Heidi F. is" you "instead of "your." So, in your letter if you write "I am the best candidate for your marketing needs," then you probably will not need to call to get to the interview. I admit it - I had problems consistent with the word sandwich in my life. I do not know why, because I ate enough of them that I need to spell the word correctly.
This does not mean that the waste of life if you do not hit fourth grade spelling bee, or have trouble spelling today. When you take the time to test your work and make possible forms of (thanks dictionary.com) that you are not sure, that demonstrates the employer's attention to detail and the ability to do a good job. But when you finish a cover letter with "I hope to here from you", you probably do not feel them.
The final word on social media and status updates, or tweets. Despite the limitations and the intrinsic nature of the creative license to make a bold statement, you still need to act professionally, and spelling. Consistent with the tweet as "IM NO LUK Havin serch job" is not catchy, and probably faster to prevent the employer and inform as spam. One in five companies use social media to hire and 45% of companies are screening applicants for their social media profiles. If you use social media to increase your chances of being seen and heard to potential employers, you probably need to check online the image and decide whether you need to change your privacy settings, to create separate accounts, or to clean up the network operates. What are the steps the proof of your resume or job applications before sending them to employers? What other words or phrases that often typos or wrong? How can we help each other to catch small errors?
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