Since I have a little girl, had an artistic side. Growing up on a particular day, I could have carried on a ball gown singing "Born Free" to my sisters (I am the youngest of three), write a poem about a certain injustice mundane as the demolition of the woods, or perform a song a self-composed piano recital. (As you can imagine, many of these shows / poems "magic" has resurfaced in my marriage rehearsal dinner, courtesy of my sisters.) Some may say I had a flair for the dramatic, but I mean, I encourage my creativity.
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Growing up I started to play dress-up, but I could not find other ways to channel my creative abilities. I graduated from college with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, began my career in public relations, and recently changed course to focus more on writing and editing.
It turns out that my career could have been written in the stars. A new study examined how workers CareerBuilder compare in terms of occupation, title and salary chosen based on the astrological sign, with the birth order and the state of the brothers. I am a cancer and, according to the survey, I am drawn to writing / editing jobs. In addition, younger-in-the-family status means they tend to prefer the creative functions. I think it's safe to say that pretty much sums up my studio.
Some other key findings from the survey:
Only the child is more likely to earn six figures and are more likely to have a C level position (CEO, CFO, Senior VP, etc.) but those with siblings are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs.
Among workers with his brothers, the eldest son is more likely to earn six figures and a C-level position, while the youngest child is more likely to work in environmental management. A middle child is more likely to report that occupied an entry level position and earning less than $ 35,000.
Only one child is more likely to work in technical fields and related health and welfare services.
Firstborn usually bet positions of government and science. Middle children lean toward public service and care roles, while the youngest of the family prefers more creative and technology roles.
Those born under the sign of Virgo, Aries and Scorpio are more likely to earn six figures.
Capricorn and Leo are more likely to have a management position (VP or higher), with more jobs Capricorn high level. Those born under the sign of Aries are the most likely to work in middle management, while Aquarians are the most likely to be entry-level work.
Those born under Virgo, Libra and Taurus are more likely to report being satisfied with their jobs.
So if you are a job seeker, but you are not sure what career path to take, it may be worth checking their chosen profession to others who share your sign or status of siblings .
Click here for survey results.
What is your birth, astrological sign or status of siblings say about you and your career? We want to know!
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