If you have a hunter typical work in the labor market of today, I firmly believe that you are one of the legions that do the same things over and over again and expecting different results. (It is not a true definition of "insanity"?) What I am referring here to go to job boards to find and then ask a number of open positions, many if not most of which may not be valid .
This is how the typical "job search" scenario takes place, for many days after the day:
You spend hour after hour at the computer display to work after work after work. Often there is little or no difference if you even remotely qualified for the positions. All you know is that you "need a job!" Now!
You can send the same "general" and to continue the same letter as "generic" coverage (if you have to send to everyone) is in almost every post.
You get discouraged and frustrated when you hear nothing back from any display.
You continue to send out resume after resume to station after posting.
You will become more discouraged and frustrated.
Does this sound familiar? It should, because that's exactly what literally millions of job seekers experience every day. And most have no idea why! This is what I and other "head hunters"-refers to as "online lottery", which I'll explain at the end of this blog.
In this blog I will share a little known "headhunter" "secret" (approach) that still use job sites, but with a unique and different, much more effective "twist." It's a secret that I 'loves to share with job seekers, but I must say at the outset that if this approach works, you owe it to yourself as the mark of a candidate who is outstanding at what they do. In other words, secret is if you are considered a "marginal" or "average" candidates. (See "stop using and begin to compete") I must also say that I get mixed reactions from those to whom I proposes to use the approach. While many job seekers say, "Wow! Is a great idea!" Others say things like, "You must be kidding. It's something I would never do!" In addition, the comments I receive from those who attempt it goes "I tried but it did not work" to "I landed an interview with her!" to "I just got hired!"
These caveats in mind, then I want to say to the five-step approach that I recommend you work with cards that can come out of stasis to find a job, out of the game, and will continue to lose - "lottery" and how to find work next big.
Step # 1
Go to job boards and find the opening for which you are qualified.
Step # 2
NOT, however, to apply online for position! Instead, find a "sponsor of the internal market" task, someone who "represents" you and your candidacy.
(Many companies offer a "bonus" to employees who recommend someone who finally is taken. These bonuses can be significant also vary from $ 500 to $ 3,000. So if you see a gap in a company that you are right, that is, it is really have the credentials / experience / skills, you can use networking skills to identify predictive someone who works in the company, to get to re-post your CV and credentials, and if they consider it should be a good fit, ask them if they are willing to sponsor you, and send the data internally. What do you do to them? Of course, it is a "finder fee"!)
Step # 3
Using LinkedIn to find someone within your company network, or if the network is relatively small, the use of LinkedIn "hack" to find someone within the company desired. (See "The LinkedIn Hack." - The algorithm has been modified since the blog was written, but the blog will tell you how to use the algorithm)
Introducing the new algorithm for pasting into Google:
site: linkedin.com-intitle: inurl profiles: dir intitle: updated-intitle: blog-intitle: jobs-intitle: groups-intitle: Events, intitle: answers (the header or title or title 2 3) the company
Note: This is highlighted in bold italics are variables.
Knowing that sales people are usually "money motivated" and therefore, excellent networking opportunities, then you can use LinkedIn to find the trick of sales and business development in a business that way. In this example we will use the company Nalco:
site: linkedin.com-intitle: profile-inurl: DIR-intitle: Updated-intitle: blog-intitle: jobs-intitle: Group-intitle: events, intitle: answers (sales or "business development") Nalco
This Google search will return 24 000 people, who are potential "appropriate" candidates for use!
Step # 4
Start calling the "reference" the candidates you have identified. Here is a sample script to use efficiently:
"Valerie is Jim Smith. I know your time is valuable, and it takes only three minutes. If you have three minutes, or should we schedule a time to talk?"
"I have three minutes, but that's it. What?"
"I realized that your company has an opening for a mechanical engineer at the plant in Chicago. Now I know that because the position is posted, whether you need to go to Human Resources or online. However, I have an important question for you. Many large companies like yours have orientation programs for employees, where if someone calls and hired the employee is paid a couple of reference of thousands of dollars.
"Valerie, if I send my CV, and indeed has felt that it was" MNO material quality company, would you be prepared to stand in the company? The value of your sure that I checked by a real person and not a computer, and value to you is that you can get the referral fee. Would you be willing to send my information to you for the exam? "
This approach is really effective? You're probably wondering at this point. In my experience it works half the time. In other words, about half the time the person you speak with will be ready to review your resume, and about half the time, they will not. When you meet someone who is not ready to be your "sponsor" just go to the next person on your list!
Step # 5
Once you have found the internal 'sponsors', then do not take online! It will result in bonuses for a short-term employee is an "empty". Apply the network only once someone in Human Resources contacts, and in particular directed to do so.
Stop playing the "lottery"!
What I mean by the term "online lottery"? Let me explain by giving you an example of how a recruitment company recently used one of the major job sites (not to be name here), touting its "new technology" to fill an open position of the company.
The board the most jobs said that through its relationship with the media and its unique positioning of social media, it could "push" ads for places around the Web and more efficiently "winnow" down a useful "pool" of well qualified candidates for participating companies hire. And that's what the job board has been able to do for this recruitment company! In this case, it was the "rough cut" of potential candidates for a simple single job opening, it attempts to bridge consisted of 50 000 candidates. These 50,000 candidates were then evaluated using the job board are "new, sophisticated software" to cut the list down to only 50 people. This "short list" of candidates was given to the company hiring , the candidates were contacted, interviews were set up and was eventually appointed the successful candidate.
The owner said he was "ecstatic" with the results to the Board of jobs and very impressed with the "quality candidates" produced. And, of course, the candidate who was ultimately hired, also was "ecstatic." But what about the other 49 950 job seekers who have never been "the race"?
In this particular example, which is very typical of today's results to apply for positions online, the probability was "winning" was just one of 50,000 and that only to maintain the original pool of applicants was 50 000!
The choice in the labor market of today is clear, or at least for me, and certainly should be yours too, if you're still playing the "online lottery" and still hopes to "win." I was a "headhunter" to go over nine years and I know without hesitation or reservation, what works and, not least, what is not. If I had not, I do not pay! I do not eat! And one thing I know is that no doubt still have the "online lottery" is a fool's game, and only a few, very few will not "win." To succeed in today's job market you must first mark as someone who not only "average" only "another candidate seeking a job." You have everything to yourself as someone who is both imaginative and creative, someone who is ready, willing and able to try new approaches , as described in this blog, and make your next great job!
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